i wanna cry loudly... !! loudly.... !! i didn't do wrong doing, i just do what i want.. !!
and why, i always get the sadness in every time, everywhere, with everyone who knows me !! ?? its not fair ... !! why god give me problem likes that.. !!? it's not fair.. !!
sometimes, everybody call me with bad words !! baddest words in the world.... !! and no one wanna help me, when i get that situation... !! i just can cry life in the silent life.... !! quite.....
my life like a "parodi" sometimes happy and enjoy, and sometimes sad and cry.....!!
help me .....
to quit that situation..
i can't push my emotions again.......
bring me in your place..........
to be your friends forever.....
please.. ...
kalau boleh saya mau jadi teman kamu,,,